COACH: Jill, aka Jilly K!

FAVORITE MUSIC GENRE: Any and all remixes but favorite themes rides are Latin and country! 

WHAT TO EXPECT IN MY CLASS: It’s a party… on a bike!! While I use rhythm to structure my rides, we do not shy away from challenging pushes with heavy gear. You will enjoy remixed music from all genres that make you feel like you are dancing on that bike! I strive to make every class an experience that leaves you feeling both confident and strong. I incorporate a mix of intervals, choreography, hills, and sprints to guarantee an intense AND fun workout!

HOW I MOTIVATE MY ROOM: I like to encourage my riders to think about why they showed up to class that day and what goals they can set for themselves in both physical and mental aspects.

FUN FACT: Being a labor and delivery nurse, I’ve realized how coaching someone on a bike and coaching someone through labor are so similar. Both jobs let me push people to be their strongest selves and prove they can accomplish something that may seem impossible!